John Paul Jones Chapter

Maryland Society,

Sons of the American Revolution

2022 Chapter Awards

John Paul Jones Chapter actively engages with and recognizes excellence from our youth.  On this page we will highlight that excellence with our Chapter’s Recognitions

John Paul Jones Chapter’s award the ‘Horace Porter Award(Click to know more about Horace Porter)  We proudly honored Midshipman 2/C Nels Waaraneimi with this award for 2022.  His accomplishments include:

Past President Ron Shuey presented the Horace Porter award. Attached is a photo of the newly remodeled award that the Chapter authorized, had manufactured and awarded in conjunction with the History Department of the United States Naval Academy, who determines that Midshipman, who, through their exceptional research and work, is worthy of such an award. The Chapter also presents a certificate, and a lengthy letter explaining in greater detail the remarkable efforts of Horace Porter in his historical research as well as his lengthy and costly work using his own funds to find the remains of Captain John Paul Jones while serving as our US Ambassador to France in Paris during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Those efforts resulted in the return of our great Revolutionary War hero, John Paul Jones, to our country.

The 2022 Award was given to MIDN 2/C Nels Waaraneimi on 25 May 2022.  This is a joint John Paul Jones Chapter/US Naval Academy History Department award given out to an outstanding Midshipman who has done something special during his/her time at the Academy.  MIDN 2/C Waaraneimi helped develop The Life at the Academy podcast team, and the process by which they interviewed alumni and officers as well as current and retired faculty in examining culture, traditions and daily life of midshipmen as it has evolved over time and turning those interviews into a series of oral history podcast that will be held in the Nimitz library for posterity, and the study of the history of the Naval Academy.

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